Rev. Dan Gates is the pastor of the East Highland UMC, in Columbus, GA. About 6 months ago he discovered that he had cancer. According to the doctors, it had spread throughout his body. At that time, there was very little hope given for his recovery. He began treatment right away. At this point in time, things seem to be improving for him and there is now hope that his cancer has gone into remission.

Rev. Gates is but one of many UM pastors who are taking a stand for the faith. He believes the Bible very much. As you will hear, he also believes in a real eternity were the choice can only be heaven or hell, and the only way to avoid hell is to be born again through the blood of Christ. He has for years fought many of the liberal policies of his denomination. He has stood at times by his self. May I invite you to join us in prayer for this apostle of faith.

In the early morning of November 2, 2010, our Lord had need of Rev. Gates. He past from this world in to one that knows no tears, no pain and certainly no death. Rev. Gates will be greatly missed among the Evangelical UM pastors here in the Columbus, GA area. He left behind a loving wife and family. But he contributed to the cause of Christ our Lord by sending over twelve men in to the ministry for Christ over the course of his ministry. Thanks for your prayers

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